Future IMPROVED: Summer Knowledge Recommendations

1. Breaking Boundaries: The Science of our Planet
A Netflix documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough and featuring Professor Johan Rockström
“A very captivating documentary unveiling the state of Earth’s health and the extent to which we have exceeded the boundaries maintaining the planet’s stability. This journey inspires one to take an active role in reversing this trend and restoring the balance of our planet. By accelerated and coordinated innovation, cooperation, and collective investment efforts, we can build a strong foundation in the coming decade for a sustainable future.” – Nicolas Magnus
2. Introduction to Climate Tech
An article by leading climate tech fund Eurazeo
“This article is a great source on the background of Climate Tech, including its definition and growth as a promising sector for venture capital investment. Eurazeo discusses the differences between 2022s’ Climate Tech and the 2000s´ Cleantech trend, emphasizing the increased technology readiness, capital availability, and awareness in the current environment. It further provides an excellent and detailed look at the heterogeneity in Climate Tech across sectors – technology impact and adoption, business models, and market fit.” – Sherief Rahim
A book by Sebastian Mallaby
“This excellent book delves deep into the world of venture capital, uncovering its profound impact on disruptive innovation. It gives great backstories on the entrepreneurs who have created billions in value. Mallaby skillfully explores how venture capital can help promote and scale relevant innovations and advanced technologies. These key principles can now be applied to accelerate innovation in climate tech to achieve a carbon neutral economy.” – Dominique Houde
4. Grow the Pie
A book by acclaimed finance professor and TED speaker Alex Edmans
“My summer reading suggestion would be [this book], which explores the concept of social entrepreneurship. It is an insightful source for how organizations can create value – not only for shareholders, but also for society – through conscious alignment of purpose and profit. Edmans emphasizes the importance of long-term thinking, stakeholder engagement, and ethical leadership to achieve sustainable success.” – Bas Hendriks
5. Investing in the era of climate change
A leading business book by Bruce Usher
“Bruce Usher has written this very relevant and well-researched book covering the challenges of climate change for society, and the opportunities for investors to help the planet while creating wealth. In a very accessible manner, Bruce lays out a clear set of strategies for various investor profiles to generate outperformance through climate tech investment. The book further delves into the importance of seamless collaboration between the public and the private sector – critical to the success of scaling climate solutions and achieving a carbon neutral economy.” – Frank Verbeek
A weekly podcast with investor Shayle Kann, available on Spotify
“Great podcast to listen to in the mornings. It is an excellent source that explores the pressing topics in decarbonizing the planet, including the potential cost reduction of clean energy, the role of AI in accelerating climate solutions, and the direction of smart investments in Climate Tech. Throughout the episodes, Kann engages with leading experts, investors, researchers, and executives to delve into the latest developments in the Climate Tech sector.” – Mark Bradt
Presentations by renowned thought leader and BloombergNEF Senior Contributor in climate tech and investment
“As Senior Contributor to BloombergNEF, Nat Bullard has curated several excellent presentations on the market dynamics and trends in decarbonization, energy transition, and climate technology in a practical and graphical manner. His annual assessment of the current state of climate change and decarbonization efforts offers valuable insights for senior decision makers across the globe, on how to best approach future challenges and (investment) opportunities that come with climate change.” – Sherief Rahim
8. Ben Evans – What matters in tech?
Essays, newsletters, and presentations on the most pressing topics in Tech
“Benedict Evans, a former partner at A16Z, shares a weekly newsletter about recent interesting and important developments across the tech sector, with relevant and sometimes amusing commentary and implications. The topics he covers include climate and mobility-related technology. Once a year, he also shares a presentation that explores macro and strategic trends. Although it contains 100+ slides, it is not a long read and can be flicked through fairly quickly. I find it a very insightful synopsis of what is happening across technology and adjacent sectors.” – Daniel Lyons
9. Gates Notes
A personal blog platform by Bill Gates
“Gates’ Notes presents a very relevant collection of insights on important global topics such as education, healthcare, innovation, and climate change. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to expand their understanding of actual global challenges (and opportunities), and explore innovative solutions to such pressing challenges.” – Frank Verbeek
A selection of recommended business books picked by Stanford professors
“For some excellent strategic and business summer readings, the World Economic Forum (WEF) shared a great selection in 2022 of seven summer readings recommended by Stanford professors – 1) Humor, Seriously by Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas, exploring the power of humor in business and life; 2) Making Numbers Count by Chip Heath and Karla Starr, providing insight on effectively communicating data; 3) An Economist Goes to the Game by Paul Oyer, demonstrating how economies can enhance athletic performance and fan knowledge; 4) Hot Seat by Jeff Immelt former CEO of GM, sharing leadership lessons for crises; 5) 7 Rules of Power by Jeffrey Pfeffer, offering advice on achieving success and career advancement; 6) Connect by David Bradford and Carole Robin, guiding readers to build meaningful relationships; 7) Acting with Power by Deborah Gruenfeld, uncovering personal power through acting techniques. Great food for thought.” – Frank Verbeek
Additional Resources
- BetweenBrains by Omar Hatamleh is a book that delves into the transformative impact of AI on society, urging readers to embrace its opportunities while being mindful of its potential risks
- Net Zero Insights is an investment newsletter and data intelligence platform for climate tech that provides comprehensive and actionable information on achieving and tracking progress toward net-zero emissions goals
- CTVC (Climate Tech VC) is a marketing intelligence platform for the new climate economy that offers valuable insights into the realm of climate technology, featuring interviews with industry experts, coverage of venture deals, news updates, and job opportunities
- Bain Insights is Bain & Co.’s monthly newsletter for senior decision-makers on relevant and actual strategic topics and trends
- Fully Charged is a thought leadership channel showcasing engaging news, videos, and reviews on Electrification and Energy Transition
- Watt it Takes is a podcast by Powerhouse Ventures Founder and Managing Partner Emily Kirsch that tells the stories of founders that are making our zero-carbon future a reality
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